Here we have demonstrative adjectives this, that, these, those.
Complete the following sentences with the words above.
1. … beach was quite empty last year.
2. He pointed to the door and … door opened.
3. … people come from the hotel over there.
4. Have you seen … notes?
5. What does … note say?
6. Do you see … birds at the top of the tree?
7. We didn’t see … materials, you gave us.
8. Is … the lady you told me about?
9. Where did you buy … shoes? They look pretty good.
10. … new hotels near the mountains were built a year ago.
You see here distributive adjectives each, every, either, neither.
Add the words from the list above into the sentences below.
1. … man knows what to do in this case.
2. … person has good and bad habits.
3. … student has his or her own materials.
4. … restaurant is expensive.
5. I didn’t like … cafe.
6. … book is interesting.
7. We invited … girl to our party.
8. … child knows this rule.
9. You can visit … sanatorium. Both of them are good.
10. … passes the exams … term.
11. Which cake would you like? I don’t know. … cake looks tasty.
12. Rachel likes … child in her group.
13. … child should behave mannerly.
14. … cafe in this town is very clean and cosy.
15. … boy is accurate. You should teach them some manners.
Here there are quantitative adjectives: some, any, no, little, few, many, much, one, twenty.
Complete the following sentences using the words above.
1. … sugar was put in the pie.
2. … people were standing at the entrance.
3. Is there … milk left? I don’t know.
4. There was … time for the consultation.
5. We haven’t … coffee this time.
6. He didn’t make … mistakes as a rule.
7. I haven’t … apples this year. The winter was too cold.
8. These was only … man standing there.
9. We didn’t see there … new buildings.
10. Very … cars are in the streets at this time.
11. They have … new materials to show at the conference.
12. Ann has … pets at home. Her parents are against them.
13. He is so upset because of that frost. There will be very … plums in his orchid.
14. We wanted to buy that book but we had ... money on us.
15. Pamela usually drinks … coffee. She prefers tea.
16. Very … people know about it.
17. There are … new cameras in this shop.
18. We must hurry. We haven’t … time.
19. They haven’t … puppies now. They sold three of them yesterday.
20. There were … students in his group.
Here we have possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their.
Fill in the missing words from the list above.
1. A happy dog wages … tail.
2. The girls are here with … father.
3. We can show you … room. We have redecorated it.
4. Tom took … hand and led Mary to the ball room.
5. You can see … book has been published already and here is … sample.
6. The cat washed … paws and looked at … master.
7. Sheila gathered all … belongings and left the house.
8. David looked at … hands then at … father and sighed.
9. We don’t have … own villa.We just rent this one.
10. Have you washed … car this week? It’s too dirty.
11. They saw … tests and were very happy to see good marks.
12. Where is … new hat ? I’ve just put it here.
13. Ann looked happily at … ring with a lovely saphire and laughed.
14. Jack is so happy. Everybody saw … new car
15. Did you see … fur coat? I bought it yesterday.
16. A small puppy stood unsteady on … trembling legs.
17. Did you see … new flat ? I’ve bought it last year.
18. We sold … old car and are going to buy a new one.
19. She showed … new bicycle and we rode it together.
20. Did you see … Dad there? He was looking for you.
Here are the adjectives of quality: clever, wet, thin, silver, bad, light, fat, golden, dry, good, heavy; size: big, small, tall, large; age: new, old, young; temperature: cool, cold, warm, hot; shape: square, round, oval, colour: blue, red, green; origin: a Swiss watch, an Eng¬lish fox, a Japanese camera.
Fill in the missing words-one word in each space.
1. The girl is very … for her age.
2. He looked at … leaves which covered the yard as the thick carpet.
3. The ball was … and … He took it and threw away.
4. It was a … spring day!
5. She looked at this with … … eyes and then started to cry quietly.
6. A big … table was in the middle of the dining room.
7. The farmers looked happily at … pigs lying near the gate.
8. He took these photos with his … and … son.
9. It was really a great view. … and … leaves of the trees excited me in autumn.
10. Rachel looked very happy having bought six … spoons.
11. Her … face looked nice in the frame of … curls.
12. The day was rather … and everybody tried to hide in the shade.
13. She bought a nice … summer dress and it looked smart.
14. In autumn the weather is … and …
15. The box was … and … and it was all covered with dust.
16. Ann looked … and … and Fred understood that she had grown up.
17. They carried two … suitcases and were looking for a porter.
18. They bought a … handbag for her as the birthday present.
19 … cameras are supposed to be the best in the world.
20. The boy was rather … and …
You see here compound adjectives formed with participles.
A candle-lit table, a horse drawn cart, a long playing record, cross-eyed, flat-chested, hard (kind) hearted, open-minded, quick-witted, slow-footed.
Compound adjectives of measurements: a three year old boy, a hun¬dred year old building, a two-litre jar, a four-hour meeting, a six-foot hole, a ?10 T-shirt, a ten minute walk, a three hour journey, a first rate film, a second hand car, a third floor flat, a nineteenth century novel.
Fill in the missing words from the list above.
1. He came in, looked at a … table and sighed.
2. It was his favourite … record.
3. Since her childhood she was always …
4. He liked this … building most of all.
5. The … meeting made him tired.
6. It was just a … walk but he felt refreshed.
7. He bought a … car for his own needs.
8. … novels interest me most of all.
9. This film is really a … film.
10. He always buys … T-shirts here.
11. She took … jar and gave it to her sister.
12. In Riga there are three … houses which are called ‘brothers’.
13. A small fox lived in … hole.
14. It was a long … sea voyage and Rebecca felt exhausted.
15. ‘The Titanic’ is … film It has become so popular.
16. We bought … flat in a new district.
17. Don’t buy any … cars. It’s such a trouble.
18. I’m so fond of Jane Austine. I really love … novels.
19. It was a tall … man with a broken nose.
20. I don’t like … records. They irritate me.
21. Jolly is always so … . She is really sweet.
22. Barry is a rather … boy and he is the best in chess.
23. She took her … and left the room. She poured some orange juice into it.
24. It was a deep … and it was dark inside it.
25. Never buy … cars. You’ll be repairing them all the time.
Here we have some comparisons:
twice as much (many) — удвічі більше
half as much (many) — удвічі менше
three times as much (many) — утричі більше
half as much again — у півтора рази дорожче
half the width of (half as wide as) — удвічі вужче
half the price of (half as much as) — удвічі дешевше
half the height of (half as high as) — удвічі нижче
half the length of (half as long as) — удвічі коротше
утричі нижче — one third the height of
у п’ять разів коротше — one fifth the length of
на чотири книжки більше — four books more
на дві сторінки менше — two pages less
Translate into English the expressions in the gaps:
1. This river is (удвічі довша) as that one.
2. We earn (удвічі менше) as Tom does.
3. This dress is (у півтора рази дорожче) as ours.
4. Our house is (утричі вище) as yours.
5. This path is (утричі коротше) as that one.
6. These grapes are (удвічі солодший). I advise you to buy them.
7. These cherries are (удвічі кисліші) as those ones.
8. George is (удвічі старший) as his sister is.
9. This ocean is (удвічі більший) as that one.
10. The lake we saw there was (удвічі ширше) as that one.
11. Our library has (на сто книжок більше).
12 This book is (на п’ятдесят сторінок коротша).
13. Their villa is (удвічі дешевша) as ours.
14. This lake is (удвічі довше) as that one in the forest.
15. This flat is (у п’ять разів менша) as yours.
Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Ці книжки були закуплені минулого літа.
2. Цей будинок удвічі дорожчий.
3. Погляньте на ті овочі, вони такі гарні.
4. Мені не подобається ні один із цих магазинів.
5. Кожен студент складає письмові іспити.
6. Двадцять дівчат було в тій групі.
7. У моєму саду не дуже багато персикових дерев.
8. Я купила трохи цукру для тістечок.
9. Це тільки мої проблеми.
10. Його рукавички на столі. Прибери їх.
11. Наші твори вже перевірені.
12. Ії довге золотаве волосся завжди подобалось йому.
13. Цей будинок новий, але так погано збудований.
14. Усі кімнати цього палацу овальні та квадратні.
15. Був весняний прохолодний день.
16. Сонце світило на блакитному небі.
17. Йому подарували швейцарський годинник.
18. Кажуть, що японські телевізори — найкращі.
19. Це була товста, добросердечна жінка з великими зеленими очима.
20. Їх сина звали Бобі. Це був гарний дворічний малюк.
21. Це була довга тригодинна подорож, яка втомила їх над¬звичайно.
22. Вона завжди захоплювалась романами XVIII століття.
23. Цей двохсотрічний палац дуже гарний, і ми його купимо.
24. Ці тригодинні збори втомили мене надзвичайно.
25. Моя десятидоларова футболка краща за стодоларову.
26. Озеро в лісі вдвічі більше ніж озеро в парку.
27. Татові рукавиці вдвічі тепліші.
28. Цей парк удвічі менший від нашого.
29. Ця футболка втричі дешевша на розпродажу.
30. Моя кімната вдвічі вужча, ніж твоя.
31. Ці кімнати у п’ять разів вищі від наших.
32. Ця дорога вдвічі довша від нової.
33. Мій брат удвічі молодший від мене.
34. Нова дорога втричі коротша від старої.
35. Наш будинок вдвічі вищий від їхнього.
36. Ці овочі вдвічі чистіші.
37. Її сукня вдвічі краща, ніж моя.
38. Твоя вудочка вдвічі коротша.
39. Наш двір утричі ширший.
40. Його автомобіль удвічі новіший.
Usual comparatives or superlatives with one or two syllable adjec-tives usually have the suffixes — er; — est. Comparatives or superla-tives with three or more syllable adjectives can be formed with the help of more and the most. We use the + comparative to talk about a change in one thing which causes in something else. For example: The higher our wages are, the better our standard of living.
Write comparative and superlative forms.
Old, pretty, young, cold, cheap, big, fat, thin, large, hot, wet, funny, good, bad, far, small, long, lazy, warm, dark, short, hea-
vy, easy, difficult, important, intelligent, beautiful, expensive, strong, interesting, famous, comfortable, nervous, happy, sweet, high, tall.
Choose the correct form in the brackets.
1. It was … joke I’ve ever heard (funny, funnier, the funniest).
2. This task is … than that one (simple, simpler, the simplest).
3. John looks … in his class (young, younger, the youngest).
4. Today is … than yesterday (warm, warmer, the warmest).
5. February is … month of the year (cold, colder, the coldest).
6. Monaco is … than Luxembourg (small, smaller, the smallest).
7. My suitcase is … than yours (heavy, heavier, the heaviest).
8. Today is … than yesterday (hot, hotter, the hottest).
9. She is … in math than I am (smart, smarter, the smartest).
10. This pillow feels … than that one (soft, softer, the softest).
11. Bob is … than John (tall, taller, the tallest).
12. It is … place on the Earth. That’s why I love it so much (quiet, quieter, the quitest).
13. Today he feels … than yesterday (strong, stronger, the stron-
14. This road is … than the old one. It’s better not to choose it (long, longer, the longest).
15. You see, that this line is … (short, shorter, the shortest).
16. Where is … shop (near, nearer, the nearest)?
17. She is … person I’ve ever known (kind, kinder, the kindest).
18. Here the climate is … than in Canada (mild, milder, the mil-
19. Sam is … than George and always relies on him (lazy, lazier, the laziest).
20. Rachel looks … of all now. What’s happened (angry, angrier, the angriest)?
21. We are … people in the world. We have got it (happy, happier, the happiest).
Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct form.
1. This road was … than that one (dangerous).
2. The picture I had seen there was one of … pictures in the world (beautiful).
3. This film is … than that we saw yesterday (interesting).
4. Black is …this year than white (fashionable).
5. I think Bill is … boy in our group (intelligent).
6. This test is really … than the previous one (difficult).
7. She is … person I’ve ever met (romantic).
8. It is one of … resorts in the world (wonderful).
9. The cat is … than a cow (curious).
10. This opera was … performance I had heard recently (wonderful).
11. This cake is … than that one we tasted yesterday (delicious).
12. His mission was … mission one could imagine (dangerous).
13. It was one of … tasks. But we succeeded in it (difficult).
14. Alfred Nobel was one of … people in the history of mankind (interesting).
15. This evening dress is … than that one (romantic).
16. This child is one of … children in his class (curious).
17. This model is supposed to be one of … girls in our agency (beautiful).
18. Dogs are … than bulls.They understand human speech (intelli-gent).
19. … colour this year is green (fashionable).
20. The last test at my written exam was … (difficult).
We use more and the most for adjectives ending in — ed, if they have one syllable:
Fill in the following sentences using an appropriate form of the adjective:
1. He was … than he felt one of these days (tired).
2. Bob was … person in the room (surprised).
3. This room was … than the hall (crowded).
4. They were … than the others (amused).
5. Tom was … person I have ever met (annoyed).
6. I looked at her face and it was … bored face I had ever seen (bored).
7. They were … people than we supposed (tired).
8. He felt … than ever (bored).
9. She had … face I have ever seen (surprised).
10. It … hall because all the tickets had been sold and people were even sitting on the floor (crowded).
11. She is now … than ever (surprised).
12. He is always … when he listens to the classical music than when he listens to the jazz (bored).
13. They look … than before. What has happened? (annoyed).
14. After such a long day I felt … than I was yesterday (tired).
15. The hall is … than ever. Let’s go out (crowded).
16. Janice was … than surprised (amused).
With the following adjectives we usually use — er and — the est but more and the most can also be used on occasion:
Clever, polite, narrow, stupid, pleasant, common, handsome.
Complete the sentences below using comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives from the list above:
1. The weather seems to be … this year than it was last year.
2. This road is … than a new one.
3. Kathy is … in her group.
4. He is one of … people I have ever met.
5. It was … I did in my life.
6. This path is … than the old one.
7. Professor N. is one of … of our university.
8. Dogs are … than hens.
9. It was … day in my life.
10. It was … to go there alone.
11. Here is … place of the river.
12. Sheila is one of … students of the faculty.
13. I wish I had never done this. It was one of … things I have ever done.
14. Duke Vilnov is one of … persons we have ever met.
15. This music was … I have ever heard.
The consonant doubles in the comparative and superlative forms of these adjectives:
Big, fat, sad, thin, hot, flat, wet.
Fill in the blank with the correct form of the adjective from the list above:
1. The farmer decided to sell his … pig.
2. I think it was … day of the year. It had been raining cats and dogs.
3. July is supposed to be … month of the year.
4. It was his … mistake. He knew that.
5. She looked even … than yesterday.
6. This carp looks … than the pike.
7. This book is … than the new one.
8. It is always … in summer than in spring.
9. This cake is … than that one. I’d like a … one.
10. She looks as … person in the world. She never smiles.
11. This is … territory over here. There is not even a small hill around.
12. That old bear looks … than the young one.
13. It is raining cats and dogs. I think it is … day of the year.
14. Today is … than yesterday. I hope it is Indian Summer.
15. This rabbit looks … than that one. It is really too thin.
Note! We use the + adjective to talk about abstract ideas, e.g. the new, the unknown, the absurd;
Here you have some irregular comparative and superlative forms of adjectives:
Good — better — the best; bad — worse — the worst; little — less — the least; little(size) — smaller — the smallest; far — far-ther(further) — the farthest(the furthest); old — older — the old-est(age); elder — the eldest(in the family); many(much) — more — the most; ill — worse — the worst;
Complete the following sentences with the comparatives and su-perlatives. The first has been done for you:
1. She looks very little. She is even smaller than I thought.
2. George is one of … students in his group.
3. Mr. Kincey is one of … people in the country.
4. Josh is … than his brothers.
5. We knew that he lives in … district.
6. Julia is … talented than Robert.
7. It was one of … regions in the North Pole.
8. We think it was … day of our life.
9. They have … water on the Earth now and soon it will be a problem.
10. My Dad looks … than his friends and I think it’s great.
11. There are … students this year than it was last year.
12. Who is … in your family?
13. Mona looks … in her class and she suffers from it.
14. His … brother won a gold medal in the World Championship.
15. This castle is … building in this area.
Correct the mistakes if there are any:
1. There are many snow this year.
2. We haven’t bought much new armchairs for this office.
3. There many as twice trees in this park is than in that one.
4. This student is a smartest at her faculty.
5. It was the crowdiest room at that building.
6. This fish is fater and biger than that one.
7. Is this really the baddest day of your life?
8. They have the bettest collection of stamps in the city.
9. I think I am the tiredest person today.
10. This emerald looks beautifullier than that one.
Write the opposite of the following adjectives and change the sen-tences:
1. Linda has a very smart figure.
2. Bob is very fat and wants to loose weight.
3. This book is thicker than that one.
4. The building of a new theatre is the largest in the city.
5. Today is the hottest day of the year.
6. This pond is very wide and the water in it is very pure.
7. Nelly is the kindest person I’ve ever known.
8. Tim is an early riser and wakes everybody up.
9. It was a very hard work, but we managed to do it.
10. Andy has a wonderful collection of stamps.
Put the adjectives in the correct order:
1. There high were mountains in that area.
2. Deep the river was very and we were afraid to dive.
3. Tammy bought a dress lovely.
4. The deer sniffed the air fresh and looked around.
5. They had five tests difficult, but they managed to do them.
6. Intelligent the elephant is a very animal.
7. It dangerous was a very climb in the Ands.
8. My suitcase heavy was very and we took a porter.
9. Fashionable that villa was and we decided to buy it.
10. The rainy and cold day was, so Peggy took our umbrella.
Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Це була найцікавіша казка з тих, які я коли-нeбудь слухала.
2. Шкода, що цей день був найкоротшим.
3. Анна в сім’ї найстарша.
4. Сьогодні надворі тепліше, ніж учора.
5. Ця сукня наймодніша з усього, що ти купила.
6. Біржа була переповнена ніж будь-коли.
7. Ти сьогодні більш втомлений, ніж ми. Іди і відпочинь.
8. Ця стара жінка роздратована ще більше, ніж мій дідусь.
9. Це одна з найвужчих річок у країні.
10. Цей хлопець розумніший, ніж уся його група.
11. Ця канапа зручніше, ніж та.
12. Мені здається, що це найкращий день року.
13. Він виглядить сумнішим, ніж учора.
14. Цей шматок м’яса жирніший. Не бери його.
15. Мені потрібні тонші сандвічі. Я не люблю товсті.
16. Вона живе в найдальшому районі міста.
17. Наш дідусь найстаріший у місті.
18. Поглянь на цю скриньку. Вона найменша з усіх.
19. Я вважаю цей день найгіршим.
20. Цей тест складніший, ніж той.
Note: We change the meaning of the adjectives to negative by add-ing PREFIXES — un; — im; — in; — il; or a SUFFIX — less;
Fill in the blanks with the opposite form of the adjective in the gaps:
1. Nora was very ---------------- (happy).
2. His visits are always --------------- (expected).
3. This transaction is supposed to be ------------- (legal).
4. I hate my sofa. It is so ----------- (comfortable).
5. We are in trouble because this is an ----------- (possible) situation.
6. Looking at this she became more and more -------------- (patient).
7. Tom’s lokes are always ------------------- (pleasant).
8. Jane’s behaviour was rather --------------- (polite).
9. That was an --------------- (probable) possibility for her.
10. Larry is always so ------------ (responsible).
Change the following nouns into adjectives:
1. This senator is very ------------------- in politics (action).
2. Lorna was an ------------------ woman (to attract).
3. That was a -------------------- question (reason).
4. Pavarotti has a very ----------- voice (beauty).
5. The situation was rather ------------- (mystery).
6. John is a ----------------- fellow (man).
7. That was a ---------------- research (science).
8. The explanation was rather ------------- (logic).
9. The children saw a ------------ mountain at a distance (height).
10. Ben’s voice sounded ------------- (anger).
Make the derivatives from the following nouns and verbs:
1. Miroshnychenko is a ------------------- singer (profession).
2. This plumber is rather ---------------- for this job (qualification).
3. My brother is a very ---------------- person (ambition).
4. The behaviour of this man was rather ----------- (to suspect).
5. Emily likes to read ---------------- novels (history).
6. I really hate my -------------------- routine (day).
7. He made a very ------------- invention (to use).
8. His marks are --------------- (to satisfy).
9. Moira is a very ---------------- young lady (to communicate).
10. We all are in a very ------------ situation (drama).
Put in the missing words from the box:
More wonderful, the, wonderful, tender, each, the nicest, more tired, nice, were, two hour journey, green roof, picturesque, small, his, my
One of (1) … friends, Harry James by name went to the country to visit his relatives. (2) … uncle George lived in a (3) … resort town at the foot of the mountain. It was a very (4) … place with a lot of small (5) … houses. Harry drove carefully and after a (6) … he was there. An uncle and his wife (7) … glad to see Harry. But Harry felt he was (8) … than ever and went to sleep a little. When he woke up he looked out of the window and saw a (9) … bed of roses. It was (10) … pic-ture he had ever seen in his life. (11) … rose was as beautiful as a miracle. Their (12) … petals were open to the sun. Harry went outside and smelt (13) … flowers. They smelt (14) … Even (15) … than he supposed.
Choose the correct answer:
1. On weekends the streets are practically empty. There are … people in the streets.
a) little; b) few; c) a few; d) a little.
2. Add … sugar in my coffee. It’s too bitter.
a) few; b) little; c) a few; d) a little.
3. There is … in the hall. It is empty.
a) somebody; b) anybody; c) nobody; d) something.
4. Is there … on the bottom of the bottle?
a) something; b) anything; c) anybody; d) nobody.
5. We saw … on the top of the hill and turned away..
a) nobody; b) someone; c) somebody; d) anybody.
6. This tree is … than all these trees in the park.
a) the tallest; b) taller; c) tall; d) the most tallest.
7. Robert is … boy in the class and everybody admires him.
a) more intel-ligent; b) the most in-telligent; c) intelli-genter; d) intelligent.
8. Have you read this book? It is … book I have ever read.
a) boring; b) more bo-
ring; c) the most boring; d) boringer.
9. As you know this test is … than the previous one.
a) the most difficult; b) difficultier; c) more diffi-cult; d) difficult.
10. During the visit of President Clinton all the streets were …
a) crowded; b) more crow¬ded; c) the most crowded.
Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Ці дерева давно ростуть тут, і ми хочемо посадити нові.
2. Та зірка дуже далеко, і ми не знаємо її назви.
3. Жодна дитина не прийшла на ковзанку ввечері.
4. Я поклала мало цукру в каву.
5. У цій групі навчається двадцять студентів.
6. Його тітка — відомий учений, і він пишається нею.
7. Вони помили руки і сіли обідати.
8. Вони принесли свої домашні завдання.
9. Погода була суха і спекотна. Хотілося, щоб було холодно.
10. Їй подарували японську камеру та швейцарський годин¬ник.
11. Старі та нові будинки стояли, оточені деревами.
12. Наша валіза дуже важка, і треба взяти носія.
13. Це був першокласний автомобіль, і я був радий, що купив його.
14. Ця двогодинна зустріч втомила мене.
15. Цей трьохсотрічний замок було відремонтовано два роки тому.
16. Високий сивоволосий чоловік зайшов у кімнату.
17. Ми купили другосортну машину і хочемо її продати.
18. Це дерево втричі вище за те.
19. Ця дорога в п’ять разів коротша.
20. Наш диван удвічі дорожчий від їхнього.
21. Ця подія найцікавіша в нашому житті.
22. Дельфіни набагато розумніші від коропів.
23. У неї було надзвичайно здивоване обличчя, яке я коли-небудь бачив.
24. Мені потрібні тонші сандвічі. Я не люблю товсті.
25. Наш дідусь найстаріший у місті.
26. Поглянь на цю скриньку. Вона найменша з усіх.
27. Вона живе в найдальшому районі міста.
28. Я вважаю цей день найгіршим.
29. Цей тест складніший, ніж той.
30. Цей роман найсучасніший у цьому році.
31. Наші діти вдвічі неслухняніші, ніж діти Браунів.
32. Цей кінь у п’ять разів дорожчий.
33. Новий годинник удвічі менший.
34. Ця кішка вдвічі хитріша.
35. Цей зал утричі менший.
Give the comparative and the superlative degree of the following adjectives:
Large, long, nice, deep, fine, thin, dark, good, active, hot, low, slow, dry, big, bad, far, neat, warm, messy, cold, high, tremendous, kind, difficult, short, sad, beautiful, comfortable, busy, young, wet, expensive, strong, ugly, smart, popular, new, cheap.
Choose the correct answer.
1. … hair was long and curly and she was proud of it very much.
a) his; b) our; c) their; d) her.
2. He added … milk into his tea and started to sip it.
a) any; b) no; c) some; d) one.
3. They didn’t make … mistakes in their compositions.
a) some; b) any; c) many; d) no.
4. At our university … student ought to take written exams.
a) every; b) each; c) either; d) neither.
5. Bob is always so …He is always forgetting everything.
a) kind hear¬ted; b) open-minded; c) cross-
eyed; d) absent-minded.
6. It was really a … summer day and he enjoyed the warmth of the sun.
a) cold; b) hot; c) cool; d) warm.
7. Where did you get … T — shirts? I want to buy the same.
a) this; b) those; c) that; d) these.
8. Do you see … man near the hill?
a) this; b) those; c) that; d) these.
9. … is supposed to be one of the best and most expensive pre-sents.
a) a Japanese watch; b) a Chinese watch; c) a Korean watch; d) a Swiss watch.
10. It was a very nice … of Victorian style..
a) ten hundred year old; b) one year old; c) a hundred year old; d) ten year old.
Choose the correct answer:
1. Our flat is … than theirs and we want to redecorate it.
a) large; b) larger; c) the largest.
2. Their test was … than ours. We had been doing it for three hours.
a) easy; b) easier; c) the easiest.
3. The Nile is … than the Dnieper.
a) long; b) longer; c) the longest.
4. My brother is … than his sister.
a) old; b) older; c) the oldest.
5. The Baikal is … lake on the planet.
a) deep; b) deeper; c) the deepest.
6. Pluto is … planet from the sun in the solar system.
a) far; b) farther; c) the farthest.
7. He is one of … parents I have ever known.
a) good; b) better; c) the best.
8. Helen is one of … models in this agency.
a) pretty; b) prettier; c) the prettiest.
9. It was one of … days in his life.
a) bad; b) worse; c) the worst.
10. Autumn is really one of … seasons of the year.
a) wet; b) wetter; c) the wettest.
Choose the correct answer:
1. This sofa is … than that one.
a) comfortable; b) more comfortable; c) the most comfortable.
2. Our uncle is … person I have ever met.
a) intelligent; b) more intelligent; c) the most intelligent.
3. This view is … than that one.
a) beautiful; b) more beautiful; c) the most beautiful.
4. This is … adventure we have ever had.
a) interesting; b) more interesting; c) the most interesting.
5. Their test is … than ours.
a) difficult; b) more difficult; c) the most difficult.
6. His mission was … than all the previous ones.
a) dangerous; b) more dangerous; c) the most dangerous.
7. These dictionaries are … for long distance journeys.
a) convenient; b) more convenient ; c) the most convenient.
8. This dress is … than yours.
a) fashionable; b) more fashionable; c) the most fashionable.
9. Julia Roberts is one of … actresses in the world.
a) famous; b) more famous; c) the most famous.
10. This picture is … than his new ones.
a) expensive; b) more expensive; c) the most expensive.
Choose the correct answer:
1. She is … today than she was yesterday.
a) more tired; b) tired; c) the most tired.
2. This street is … than the street near my house.
a) narrow; b) more narrow, (narrower); c) the narrowest, (the most narrow).
3. Sonia was … person in the dining room.
a) surprised; b) more surprised; c) the most surprised.
4. Jill is … than her brother is.
a) clever b) cleverer (more clever); c) the most clever (the cleverest).
5. He was … as usual and paced the room.
a) annoyed; b) more annoyed; c) the most annoyed.
6. This model is … girl I have ever seen.
a) pleasant; b) more pleasant (pleasanter); c) the pleasantest (the most pleasant).
7. We were … people in the room.
a) amused; b) more amused; c) the most amused.
8. Today he was … than yesterday.
a) polite; b) politer (more po-lite); c) the most polite (the politest).
9. Watching this film she was … than ever.
a) bored; b) more bored; c) the most bored.
10. The situation was … than before and he didn’t know what to do.
a) stupid; b) more stupid (stu-pider); c) the stupidest (the most stupid).
Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Це найпростіше питання в цій вправі, і я його швидко зроблю.
2. Ваше оповідання найсмішніше, і ми його опублікуємо.
3. Делла наймолодша в класі, і кожен хоче її захистити.
4. Ця стежка коротша від тієї на двадцять метрів.
5. Плутон — найдальша планета Сонячної системи.
6. На мою думку, ця подорож більш небезпечна.
7. Ці черевики найзручніші, і я їх дуже люблю.
8. Вправа, яку ми робили вчора, була цікавішою.
9. Богдан — найрозумніша дитина в класі.
10. Цей краєвид красивіший від того.
11. Він був більш утомлений, ніж учора.
12. Ми вважаємо, що бачили найвужче місце в горах.
13. Тед був більш роздратований, ніж учора.
14. Це найдурніша витівка твого сина.
15. Зал був більш переповнений, аніж будь-коли.
Fill in the necessary words like two room flat:
1. I needed a … for this purpose. I wanted to take some water into it.
a) two litre jar; b) one room flat; c) first rate film.
2. John prepared … for this romantic dinner.
a) a two room flat; b) a second hand car; c) a candle-lit table.
3. Linda was a tall … girl with dark blue eyes and curly hair.
a) cross-eyed; b) open-minded; c) flat-chested.
4. He was a very smart … boy. He was the best in doing sums.
a) quick — witted; b) slow — footed; c) cross — eyed.
5. It was really … with the world famous film stars.
a) a second hand car; b) a third floor flat; c) a first rate film.
6. We had a tiring … and felt exhausted.
a) three day journey; b) a ten minute walk; c) a second floor flat.
7. They saw a deep … and started climbing there carefully.
a) six — foot hole; b) a two — litre jar; c) a first — rate film.
8. She took her favourite … and started to read.
a) ten minute walk; b) three hour journey; c) nineteenth cen-tury novel.
9. It was a nice … with very beautiful stained glass windows.
a) hundred year old building; b) ten minute walk; c) two litre jar.
10. Last week we bought an old … record and enjoyed the music very much.
a) horse drawn cart; b) long playing record; c) three litre jar.
Choose the correct answer:
1. It was really one of … days of the year. It was raining cats and dogs.
a) cold; b) the wettest; c) the best.
2. The day was … than yesterday. We were hot and tired.
a) colder; b) hotter; c) the hottest.
3. They decided to buy a … flat because the family had grown.
a) bigger; b) smaller; c) the biggest.
4. He bought … pig and brought it to his farm.
a) fat; b) fatter; c) the fattest.
5. She said that it was … day in her life.
a) sad; b) sadder; c) the saddest.
6. The sole is … than the pike.
a) flat; b) flatter; c) the flattest.
7. This piece of cake is … Give it to Tom.
a) big; b) bigger; c) the biggest.
8. My book is … than yours.
a) thin; b) thinner; c) the thinnest.
Put in the missing words from the box:
Long, the tastiest, the purest, larger, the brightest, different, the tastiest, the purest, farther, the nicest, the most beautiful, more sur-prised, higher, nearer, smaller
The island looked (1) … from the distance. Coming (2) … we saw a large meadow near the shore and a lot of trees one (3) … than the other. We were (4) … than ever when we saw these bright sunny col-ours of lovely flowers and grass and exotic plants. It seemed to be (5) … place on the Earth. We smelt the air and flowers (6) … smell of the land and jungle. Just a little (7) … we saw a small stream with a cas-cade of tiny waterfalls with (8) … water in the world. We started drinking it and couldn’t stop because it seemed to be (9) … drink. We looked around and saw (10) … kinds of fruits growing everywhere. All (11) … colours we saw there looking at these fruits. We started picking them into our baskets which were (12) … than usual ones. We filled our barrels with this (13) … and … water and sailed to the ship. We had now food and water for a (14) … time.
Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Ці дерева найвищі в нашому парку.
2. Кожна дитина любить цукерки та печиво.
3. Мені не подобається жоден ресторан.
4. У цій групі двадцять студентів.
5. Вона робить багато помилок у диктантах.
6. Жоден студент не мав зошита.
6. Ваша кішка сидить на дереві та нявчить.
7. Мені подарували срібну ложку.
8. Допоможи мені. Ця валіза важка.
9. У неї сині очі та кругле обличчя.
10. Він купив японську камеру минулого тижня.
11. Дай мені, будь ласка, більшу тарілку.
12. Липень — найжаркіший місяць року.
13. Камбала жирніша від щуки.
14. Це була найсумніша подія його життя.
15. Цей журнал тонший від того.
Give the comparative and the superlative degrees of the following adjectives:
Cheap, slow, dry, big fat, shallow, neat, warm, new, fine, bad, thin, deep, large, nice, long, dark, good, low, active, far, messy, cold, bright, high, kind, short, sad, busy, young, wet, strong, ugly, smart, popular, tremendous, difficult, beautiful, expensive, intelligent.
Choose the correct answer:
1. … clothes are always neat and well ironed. He always looks smart.
a) her; b) our; c) his; d) its.
2. I have … apples in the basket. We shall have them for dinner.
a) no; b) any; c) one; d) some.
3. … girl in your group can go in for sports.
a) either; b) each; c) neither; d) no.
4. Sally is too … She always lends her money to everybody.
a) absent-min¬ded; b) cross-eyed; c) open-min¬ded; d) kind hearted.
5. They met on a … summer day and went to the beach.
a) cold; b) hot; c) cool; d) warm.
6. She doesn’t have … friends. She feels too lonely.
a) any; b) many; c) much; d) a lot of.
7. Where have you left … coat? Can you remind it?
a) our; b) their; c) my; d) your.
8. We saw … ship disappearing in the horizon.
a) that; b) these; c) those; d) this.
9. He bought a very expensive … because it was the best camera in the shop.
a) Japanese camera; b) Russian camera; c) Ukrainian camera; d) English camera.
10. He was always a … boy and guessed all the puzzles.
a) kind- hearted b) open- minded c) slow- footed d) quick-witted
Choose the correct answer:
1. His house is … than ours and we want to buy a new one.
a) old; b) older; c) the oldest.
2. The Mississippi is … river of the USA.
a) large; b) larger; c) the largest.
3. Today is … than it was yesterday and we shall take our coats.
a) cool; b) cooler; c) the coolest.
4. This lake is … than that in the mountains.
a) deep; b) deeper; c) the deepest.
5. My sister is … in our family.
a) old; b) older; c) the oldest.
6. Sally is … pupil in the class.
a) smart; b) smarter; c) the smartest.
7. This work is … than that one.
a) bad; b) worse; c) the worst.
8. It was … day in her life.
a) sad; b) sadder; c) the saddest.
9. Dogs are … than ducks.
a) clever; b) cleverer; c) the cleverest.
10. This castle is one of … in our country.
a) old; b) older; c) the oldest.
Choose the correct answer:
1. She is one of … models in her agency.
a) beautiful; b) more beautiful; c) the most beautiful.
2. These small dictionaries are … for travels than big ones.
a) convenient; b) more convenient; c) the most convenient.
3. Sharks are … than carps.
a) intelligent; b) more intelligent; c) the most intelligent.
4. She is one of … people I have ever met.
a) active; b) more active; c) the most active.
5. This film was … than the film we had watched the day before.
a) interesting; b) more interesting; c) the most interesting.
6. The last adventure was … and we were glad that we left alive.
a) dangerous; b) more dangerous; c) the most dangerous.
7. Merylin Monroe was one of … actresses in the world.
a) popular; b) more popular; c) the most popular.
8. My new flat is … than yours.
a) comfortable; b) more comfortable; c) the most comfort-able.
9. It was … skirt at the party.
a) fashionable; b) more fashionable; c) the most fashion-able.
10. His shoes are … than his brother’s.
a) expensive; b) more expensive; c) the most expensive.
Choose the correct answer:
1. While working he got … than before.
a) the most tired; b) tired; c) more tired.
2. The lane opposite our house is … than that one on the left.
a) narrower (more narrow); b) narrow; c) narrowest (the most narrow.
3. He thought that it was … situation.
a) stupid; b) more stupid (stu-pider); c) the stupidest (the most stupid).
4. Dan was … than he was yesterday.
a) more surprised; b) surprised; c) the most surprised.
5. Jan is … in his group.
a) cleverer (more clever); b) clever; c) the cleverest (the most clever).
6. That day was … than all the other days.
a) the pleasantest (the most pleasant); b) pleasant; c) pleasanter (more pleasant).
7. They were … in the room.
a) more amused; b) amused; c) the most amused.
8. She was one of … people I have ever met.
a) politer (more po-lite); b) polite; c) the politest) the most polite).
9. Reading this novel Rachel was … than ever.
a) bored; b) more bored; c) the most bored.
10. Dan was … than yesterday and grumbled something.
a) the most annoyed; b) annoyed; c) more annoyed.
Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Цей тест — найпростіший, і ми його швидко зробимо.
2. Фільм, який ми дивились учора, смішніший за п’єсу.
3. Моя сестра наймолодша в нашій сім’ї.
4. Ідіть цією дорогою. Вона коротша на сто метрів.
5. Юпітер (Jupiter) — найбільша планета Сонячної системи.
6. Остання місія була найнебезпечнішою.
7. Ця сукня найзручніша, і я її дуже люблю.
8. Це оповідання цікавіше, ніж попереднє.
9. Стелла — найрозумніша дитина в класі.
10. Ця модель набагато красивіша, ніж та.
11. Вона сьогодні найбільш утомлена з усіх днів.
12. Ця стежка найвужча в горах.
13. Тоні був більш роздратований, ніж будь-коли.
14. Ця подія — найнікчемніша в моєму житті.
15. Актовий зал був більш переповнений, ніж учора.
Fill in the necessary words like two room flat:
1. He was a tall … fellow with broad shoulders and long legs.
a) flat-chested; b) cross-eyed; c) grey-haired.
2. This castle is … building and we need a lot of money to re-store it.
а) a modern; b) an old; c) a four hundred year old.
3. It was a nice … made of silver with ornaments on it.
a) floor; b) glass; c) two litre jar.
4. Dan bought a … to train his skills in driving.
a) spoon; b) needle; c) second hand car.
5. It was … and we got tired very much.
a) long walk; b) voyage; c) a two hour walk.
6. Waterworld’ is supposed to be … and it got a lot of awords.
a) a play; b) a nice performance; c) a first rate film.
7. She saw … in the restaurant and looked at him gratefully.
a) flowers; b) a gold chain; c) a candle-lit table.
8. Her son was … and was rather naughty.
a) a good boy; b) an obedient boy; c) a three year old boy.
9. The rabbit lived in a … and it was so deep that we couldn’t see it.
а) forest; b) in the bush; c) five-foot hole.
10. Jane was a nice … woman with dark blue eyes.
a) broad shouldered; b) flat-chested; c) kind hearted.
Choose the correct answer:
1. It was really … day of the year. The sun was pitiless.
a) the coldest; b) the nicest; c) the hottest.
2. This scientific journal is … than the magazine you have here.
a) thin; b) thinner; c) the thinnest.
3. That was … suitcase I have ever seen.
a) big; b) bigger; c) the biggest.
4. I think this fish was … than that one.
a) flat; b) the flattest; c) flatter.
5. We saw … pig on this farm.
a) fatter; b) fat; c) the fattest.
6. October is one of … months of the year.
a) wet; b) the wettest; c) wetter.
7. Her face was … than yesterday and she was weeping.
a) sadder; b) sad; c) the saddest.
8. It’s raining heavily. It is one of … days this week.
a) the wettest; b) wet; c) wetter.
Put in the missing words from the box:
The most beautiful, the sunniest, the greatest, wonderful, earlier, hotter, full, more curious, the most famous, soup, order, nice, later, higher, higher, the brightest, hotter
So we stood on the bank of the Loch Lomond one of (1) … lakes in Scotland. The day was (2) … than yesterday and we were going to the Highlands. My friend John said that it was (3) … day he had ever seen. We moved (4) … and (5) … and two hours later we stopped in the mountain valley near a (6) … restaurant. We came in and chose a table and John made an (7) … It was lunch time so we ordered some (8) … and in the menu we saw (9) … Scottish dish. It was haggis. I have heard a lot about this dish so I became (10) … When the dish was served I saw a big plate (11) … of mashed potatoes, carrots, cab-bages and onions with minced heart, lung and liver of sheep. It was (12) … than I thought and rather spicy. In general it tasted (13) … When we finished our lunch we decided to look around. We left the restaurant and came to a nice mountain river which looked (14) … than from the distance. We made some photos and decided to come home (15) … The view was (16) … It was one of (17) … views I had ever seen. John said that it was (18) … day for the last sixty years.
Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Ця будівля — найвища в цьому місті.
2. Кожен студент складає в сесію п’ять-шість екзаменів.
3. Мені не подобається жодна картина.
4. У тій кімнаті — двадцять дівчат.
5. Він завжди робить багато помилок у творах.
6. Твій собака завжди на всіх гавкає.
7. Де твоя срібна чайна ложечка? Я не знаю.
8. Ця овальна коробочка дуже гарна.
9. У нього чорні очі та прямий ніс.
10. Мамі подарували швейцарський годинник.
11. Мені потрібна більша чашка.
12. Лютий — найхолодніший місяць року.
13. Короп жирніший від щуки.
14. Це була найцікавіша зустріч цього року.
15. Ця книжка товща від тієї.